How to Get Started

Making it Easy to integrate Synovetin OA® into everyday practice

We’re here to make the licensing process as smooth as possible

We are at your service to take care of every step in:

  • Amending an existing RAM* license
  • Obtaining a new RAM license
  • Equipping your practice to use Synovetin OA®

*Radioactive materials

Synovetin OA

The Exubrion Therapeutics® RAM Navigator program provides comprehensive support for adding Synovetin OA® to your practice

We’ve teamed up with F.X. Massé Associates, Inc., a medical physics group that provides a multitude of consulting services related to radiation safety, shielding design, and regulatory compliance. Their extensive experience in the medical and health physics fields ensures the highest standard of service.

Synovetin OA

Provide training and resources for everything related to licensing for Synovetin OA®

Deliver a high level of personal support and answer licensing questions you may have through the RAM Navigator

Minimize regulatory hurdles and address any issues associated with licensing for Synovetin OA®


Important Information About Synovetin OA®

Studied in canine elbows, Synovetin OA is given by authorized veterinarians. Temporary discomfort in treated joints may occur. Talk to a treating veterinarian near you for more information including what to expect following treatment and visit